About Us
Australasian University Safety Association (AUSA) is a network of Health, Safety, and Wellbeing professionals working in the tertiary education and research sector across Australasia.
Universities, Research Institutes, and other associated institutions are complex organisations. Our institutions need to continually navigate and adapt to a broad range of hazards and risks to ensure the safety of our communities. We also need to comply with changing regulatory environments.
Together we strive to improve our practices through evidence-based research, operational experience, and robust discussions. We aim to provide sector wide guidance and leadership to proactively prevent injuries and illnesses, as well as promote wellbeing for all persons associated with our employing institutions.
We support the principles of a restorative just culture within our organisations, in order to achieve moral engagement, emotional healing, reintegration, and organisational learning.
As a member, you will gain access to a significant community of practicing safety professionals, sharing of information and resources and opportunities to improve, standardise and benchmark against sector best practice, across a wide variety of safety issues in multiple jurisdictions.
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